1. HelloWorld (prog)
Simple HelloWorld application for Android. Implementation without any
layout resources.
2. HelloWorld (decl)
Simple HelloWorld application for Android. Implementation using a simple
layout resource to declare the content view.
3. Layout (linear)
A simple Android application demonstrating layout capabilities using
a LinearLayout.
4. Layout (relative)
A simple Android application demonstrating layout capabilities using
a RelativeLayout.
5. SayHello (prog)
A simple Android application demonstrating simple event handling with
a button as well as accessing UI widgets. The application is implemented
without declaring layout resources.
6. SayHello (decl)
A simple Android application demonstrating simple event handling with
a button as well as accessing UI widgets. The application is implemented
declaring a layout resources which also declares the Button's event handler.
7. Widgets
Application to demonstrate the User Interface widgets in Android.
8. Activities (explicit)
A simple Android application demonstrating the explicit switching between activities
with the called activity providing a result to the calling activity. Additionally
the application facilitates a BackKey handler.
9. Activities (implicit)
Two Android applications demonstrating the implicit launching of activities. There are three activities
that respond to the same action (Yellow, Red, and Green) prompting Android to show an activity chooser.
10. Fragments
Two fragments that are shown side-by-side in landscape mode and in
two separate activities in portrait mode.
11. List
Use a RecyclerView to display a list of items where each item is rendered
in a CardView. Also shows usage of an Floating Action Button.
12. Navigation Drawer
Application to demonstrate the usage of the Navigation Drawer.
13. TabLayout
Application to demonstrate the usage of the TabLayout from the Design Support Library.
14. Alerts
Shows the use of toasts, snackbars and alert dialogs.
15. MultiTouch
A simple multi-touch example. Fingers placed on the screen
are tracked while being moved.
16. Drawing
A simple Android application demonstrating drawing capabilities using
the Canvas and Paint classes.
17. Handler
Shows the use of a Handler to post messages to the UI thread.
18. AsyncTask
Shows usage of AsyncTask to simplify background processing.
19. Notification
Shows usage of normal view notification.
20. Service (started)
Demonstrates the use of a started service.
21. Service (bound)
Demonstrates the use of a bound service.
22. Storage
Show various ways of making data persistent.
23. ContentProvider
Demonstrates the implementation of a ContentProvider that can be accessed from
other Android applications.
24. BroadcastReceiver
An application to demonstrate BroadcastReceiver in Android.
25. Settings
Using settings under Android.
26. Map
A simple Android application demonstrating using MapActivity from the Google Android API.
27. Accelerometer
A simple Android application demonstrating how to get the accelerometer
sensor readings.
28. Gyroscope
Simple Android application to demonstrate use of Gyroscope sensor in Android.
29. GPS
A simple Android application displaying the current longitude and latitude.
30. Camera
Simple Android application to demonstrate use of camera in Android.
31. Camera 2
Simple Android application to demonstrate use of Camera 2 API in Android.
32. NFC Reader
Read NDEF-formatted NFC tags.
33. Sound
Simple Android aplication to demonstrate use of MediaPlayer for audio playback.
34. Animation
Uses property animation to bounce a ball across the screen.
35. Immersive
Demonstrates immersive mode where an application can take over
the whole screen.
36. Internationalization
Simple HelloWorld application for Android. Implementation using a simple
layout resource to declare the content view being showed. Application name
and the greeting text are defined by String resources to support internationalization.
37. Espresso UI Test
UI testing tutorial for SayHello declarative version using Espresso.